
Friday, 11 September 2020

Liam story

WALT- make a story

One day on halloween when John and John’s mum were outside milking the cow. Then John’s mum said sell the cow for some money because we need halloween decorations and candy. Then John saw a fat man then selled the cow to the fat man for some beans. Then John’s mum saw the beans and threw the bean outside. Then it grew and grew and grew. Then a bean tower appeared. Then John climbed up the bean tower then saw a giant and saw a duck laying golden eggs. Then John got the duck and John ran down the bean tower. Then John’s mum got an axe and chopped down the bean tower. Then I got rich in the end. 

By Liam 

1 star- I like how my writing is good
1 wish- I wish that I can write more
Question do you like my writing


WALT-do mosaic art
1 wish- I wish that I can put more in.
1 star- I know that the big fish was hard
Question- do you think that I and more